To our Toronto Eagles Family,

As the President of the Toronto Eagles Australian Football Club, it is my privilege to address you all as we prepare for another promising season. I am excited to embark on this journey with each of you—our dedicated players, passionate supporters, and indispensable sponsors. Together, we are the heart and soul of the Eagles. As we stand on the brink of a new season, I want to share some reflections on our recent journey and our aspirations for the upcoming season.

The 2023 season was a year of highs and lows. We experienced a season filled with remarkable achievements and unexpected challenges. Matches like our commanding 68-10 victory over the Ottawa Swans and our hard fought​ 77-48 win against the Toronto Dingos, showcased our potential. Despite our strong performance throughout the season, we faced some tough challenges in the finals series, falling short of our ultimate goal. Our matches were fiercely contested, and we demonstrated resilience and skill, but unfortunately, we couldn’t clinch the victories needed to progress further in the finals. This outcome was undoubtedly disappointing for all of us, but it also highlighted areas where we can grow and improve.

As we embark on the 2024 season, our team is filled with renewed energy and optimism. Our focus this year will be on building upon these successes, honing our strategies, and fostering the development of both our seasoned players and new recruits. We are committed to maintaining our status as one of the premier Australian football clubs in Canada, dedicated to excellence both on and off the field​.

I would like to extend our deepest gratitude to our sponsors, whose unwavering support makes everything we do possible. Your contributions not only fund our operations but also inspire our players to strive for greatness. We are proud to be backed by such a dedicated group of supporters and look forward to continuing our partnership in the seasons to come.

I also want to extend my gratitude to our volunteers and board members. Your hard work and dedication behind the scenes are what make everything possible. Your passion and effort are deeply appreciated and fundamental to our success.

To all our players, members, and fans, thank you for your continued support. As we gear up for the upcoming season, I encourage everyone to stay engaged and connected through our website. Participate in the events we have planned and continue to support our team with the same enthusiasm and spirit that make the Toronto Eagles unique.

Thank you all for your continuous support and dedication to the Toronto Eagles Australian Football Club. Together, we can achieve greatness and make this season one to remember.

Go Eagles!

Salv Capoferri